dimanche 29 juillet 2012

No, I don't want to be your moneyslave

Lors d'une promenade nocturne en semi liberté, je parcourais le journal très intéressant d'un homme soumis outre-atlantique. Voici un extrait:

" Why, with all the gorgeous Mistresses that are already raping my wallet on a regular basis, do some “so called minstresses” think they could just message me, coming out of nowhere, and ask me:
“Do you want to be my moneyslave?”
No, i don’t WANT to be a moneyslave, i don’t WANT to be a moneyslave of no one, especially if i don’t even know who you are or where you are coming from. You are supposed to be a Goddess, someone up there waiting for slaves to come to her, you are not supposed to need to ask for it.
If you ask for it, then you simply are NOT a real Financial Domination Mistress. Simply as that. NONE of the gorgeous women that brought me all these problems these years ever asked me if i wanted to be their moneyslave. It was always me to contact her first and, most often, after that i usually needed to…wait in line, for my turn.
If you ask me if i WANT to be your moneyslave, it simply means you are NOT a Goddess. Simply as that. So you may as well STOP asking me that.
I am sorry about these nasty words but…i’m tired of all those so called Mistresses that believe all i need is them to ask me if i WANT to submit to them… i’m sick and tired of them…"

Je pense que ce mec a tout compris. Pour moi, ce phénomène n'est ni plus, ni moins, de la mendicité virtuelle. Il n'y a qu'à jeter un oeil sur le très fréquenté bdsm-fantaisie où l'on retrouve plus de 1850 annonces rien que sur ce thème ou encore le très jeune forum moneylove, et on se rend compte que nous sommes en plein dedans. J'invite tout ceux et celles qui vont débarquer avec des armes telles que des paroles de "mytho" "fabulateur" fantasmeur" etc...  à visiter son site très bien structuré si toutefois, vous comprenez l'anglais.

Voici le lien du journal en question:

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